What Every Writer Needs to Know
Award-winning author, event producer, and founder of The Book-In-Hand Roadshow brings a lively presentation about the seemingly dull topic of book parts to the Sacramento Suburban Writers Club and you don't have to be a member to attend. “People usually focus on writing their book and don’t think about the other written elements until the story is done,” she said. “I’ll talk about the different book parts and show you why it’s important to work on them as you go….really…it will make your life easier and you may discover a gold nugget in the process."
Axiom Business Book Award International Book Awards (reference)
International Book Awards (writing/publishing) National Indie Excellence Book Award
Next Generation Indie Book Awards Paris Book Festival
San Francisco Book Festival No. California Publishers & Authors
Dictionary of Publishing Terms: What Every Writer Needs to Know Finally… simple language explains the most often used words in publishing. From ISBN to index, to gutter and perfect bound, professional terms and book elements you need to know are all in one place, organized as you would find them in a book. Start at the front cover and there’s the information – where you need it, when you need it! A workbook, dictionary and guide all in one.